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Dreams and visions can offer profound spiritual insights and guidance. In this blog post, explores several visions related to caves and their spiritual significance. These interpretations provide a unique perspective on how caves can represent protection, refuge, and divine intervention in our lives.


Vision One

In this dream, a sister in church dreams when 2 brothers A and B are doing Bible study at brother A’s home. Brother B receives an urgent phone call that his biological dad is badly sick, he rushes to check on him,finds person x a spiritualist sitting at the door.He by passes him and prays for the dad who becomes restored immediately. After this, havoc breaks out on the street where brother B has a shop with spirits hunting to destroy his property,they destroy and loot shops next to his building.

However, the brethren have capacity to see what is going on and hear what the spirits are doing , spirits couldn’t see B’s shop. Brother B seeks counsel from brother A who advises him to go and physically check on the situation , talk to these spirits for calmness to be restored.They together move to the place,however they spirits are so aggressive ,tough, rude and destructive.

They decide to go back at brother A’s home. On reaching, these spirits have one spirit that has a supernatural connection on sensing where B is(can supernaturally sense him) so it(the spirit) tells other spirits to come and attack him at A’s place. These other brethren realize it and tell B to hide inside the cave which was in the house.

Description of the Cave

This cave is inside the bedroom, there is a road that leads you to the cave, it has a door and locks which they only have keys to open, inside the cave is full of light and seats to find rest.

Spirits Demand to Enter the Cave

Spirits contend with believers, they are sure B is around, but can no longer sense him. they demand to search the house which believers abscon to, as they hesitate B isn’t around, spirits enter the house up to inside the cave but fortunately do not see brother B, they move out in regrets after failing to steal, kill and destroy brother B, his dad and the business.


In 1 Samuel 22:1-6 it tells of a story where Saul and his men were hunting for David, a specific man called Doeg had seen David in 1 Samuel 21 with Ahimelech the priest in Nob and other informers throughout would constantly report to Saul David’s whereabouts, however in this incident, David hides in the cave of Adullam, in 1 Samuel 3-4, he takes his parents to king of Moab for safety because they were prone to Saul’s attack.

This explains the dream clearly, furthermore this family hiding brother B are like Obadiah in 1 Kings 18:4 who hid the prophets who were being hunted by Jezebel, meaning every believer needs to plant a spiritual cave in their homes and places of spiritual influence to hide their lives, people and other property from destruction and persecution.

More on how to pray and plant Godly spiritual caves are below other visions.

Vision 2


This came in a time when I had prayed and established spiritual caves in my bedroom, I asked Christ Jesus forever to be a cave for those distressed internationally, the rulers, judges, presidents, counselors, priests, entrepreneurs among others. President P was also facing war both inside his administration and with country u which is backed up by NATO states.

In this night I receive a dream where in my 3 roomed house, one is for visitors, a sitting room and my personal bedroom, the house is full of light, in the sitting room chairs and a table are set, in both bedrooms, beds were prepared, suddenly president P enters the sitting room appearing so distressed, he sits in the chairs holding his head, I feel touched try to bring some jokes but he keeps moody.

I pour mistakenly porridge on his jacket think he will rebuke me but just puts it off and hand’s it to me, the jacket is full of technology, when I walk out of the house to wash the jacket, I realize as long as you’re inside no one can trace where you are, but as soon as you step out connection id be restored and they can sense you, so president P is safe in there.

The jacket keeps changing colors every time I pour water on it (coat of many colors like that of joseph in Genesis) furthermore in my room there is a basin of clear water, Putin goes to bed in visitors room and gets rest. I come out of the dream.

Vision 3


In this night vision while I was praying I asked spirits of distressed people to join me in prayer so our prayer raises as incense to God those distressed because of debts, sickness, poverty, etc.

I saw multitudes join me spiritually, they would reach and kneel down pray, it was like a council in round form, I saw my sister’s son come and shook my hand then he disappeared, one pastor came and said why would you separate your introduction from birthday yet it’s possible to put it on one day to save and not be stressed by debts and expenses, I slept off and in this dream I appear with my friend in front of 2 men of God, the elder one says “I contended much with ministry at my early stage but now ministry became smooth after realizing this truth.”

The Secret

The man of God spoke in parable, he said when I planted the almond flowers at my home and an anthill which represented a cave, he said you can move them and plant them anywhere you want spiritually,


He said the almond flowers generate fast what you want in life by shedding a light and showing the way for example wealth, and the cave preserves what you’ve attained not to be destroyed and keeps you from persecutors.

The almond flower is thoroughly explained in Exodus 25:33-34 and Exodus 37:17-20 while building the golden menorah. The flowers signify light who is Jesus Christ backed by the following scriptures Isaiah 9:2, Isaiah 60:1-3, John 1:4-5, John 8:12, John 12:35-36, Matthew 4:16, 1 John 1:5-7, Psalms 27:1, Revelation 21:23-25, Revelation 22:5.

Also according to Matthew 5:14-16 and Luke 11:33-36 no one places light where it cannot be seen, light represents visibility, almond flowers have an attractive scent that draws attention of people and they reflect beauty and love, meaning if turn whatever we are doing like almond flowers, they will be attractive, beautiful, visible to the world and easily bring us success. Whether ministry, business or our personal lives.

For more information about caves read our article entitled spiritual significance of caves. Flowers also speak about resurrection and reproduction meaning reviving an idea and expansion. The fruit and seeds come through flowers and the planted seed is multiplied.


Prayer 1

In the name of Jesus Christ and by His blood I loosen and activate Godly caves inside my house and outside my compound, surrounding my area of influence, this nation, region and all over the world, all over every family, tribe and tongue in this world, I plant them because Jeremiah 1:10 says you’ve given us power to plant and uproot, to build and destroy, I sanctify them in the blood of Jesus Christ and speak forever Godly protection over them against destruction.

Oh Jesus Christ may you forever be this cave, the way to the cave, the door, lock and key to the cave, may you forever be the light to the cave and inside to only Godly souls, and spirits that are Christ centric with good intentions.

Let these caves forever be a hiding place to those under distress spiritually and physically, those distressed because of wars, poverty, marriage issues, financial issues etc. people in my family, nation, in the church among others.

Let the protective hand of God always draw them for rest in this cave and let them out when trouble is gone.

However let the doors and ways to the cave forever close out to those pursuing us, let the darkness and the veil of God cover their eyes and ears forever not to see or hear our plans as in Romans 11:8, Isaiah 6:9-10, Mark 4:12, Matthew 13:13-15, though they should hear and how to our rebuke over them.

Invoking the power of God.

We invoke the power of God that disconnects us from them and any individual that will be in this cave not to be seen, heard or smelt by them, though father we ask you to give us capacity to see and hear them fully.

I invoke the power of God (angel of God) that blinds (2 Kings 6:18), (Genesis 19:10) the angels that blinded Sodomites to hinder from the door to the cave. I sanctify it in Jesus’ blood, call forever a Godly protection over it and plant it forever at the entrance of these caves to forever blind every bad intended spirit that tries to enter and persecute those in the cave In Jesus mighty name we pray.

Father we plead the blood of Jesus Christ all over the cave and let it always wash those intended to enter and things therein. May Jesus Christ be a stumbling block and hindrance against every evil spirit that intends to destroy the established Godly caves.


Heavenly father, righteous judge and judge of all judges we come to the courtroom on behalf of all persecuted and distressed people in our families, church and nations who need rest but the accuser is laying claims against them being given refuge in the caves.

We plead guilty over every accusation, oh heavenly father, may you judge them under the blood of Jesus Christ, let the blood of Jesus Christ pay for every accusation and may you declare them free forever over every accusation. We release judgment over every evil word and plan of the enemy that intends to cause distress over humanity, those in ministry, business, in politics among others.

Thank you because you judge in your mercy but you judge the enemy in your anger. In Yeshua’s name we pray.


Father I thank you for being our cave as a family, church and nation, every day you shield us from danger, you protect us and our property from the scorching of the sun, from those that seek to destroy us (the diseases, accidents, evil powers, and evil humans).

Thank you because you lead us out of the cave for public visibility at the right time and you guide us out. In Jesus’ name we pray.


Father in Jesus name we invoke your mercy and blood of Jesus Christ over this nation (Uganda), continent family, we repent for every satanic cave that has been planted and built in here, we break every covenant in the name of Jesus Christ that was made to create such caves, we cleanse our places forever by the blood of Jesus, substitute where there was a satanic cave with a Godly one. Amen


Heavenly father in Jesus name we intercede for our brothers who are distressed and facing persecution in church ministry, different work places ,nations and families, may you open their eyes to the caves around them where refuge and security can be found, we intercede for those inside caves to find total refuge and security. Give them grace to Meditate on plans that will work for them while outside the caves, give them seeing eyes and listening ears. Give them wisdom to walk out at a safe and right time like Elijah and David, let them see you like Moses.

Father in the name of Jesus Christ may you help set free (Zechariah 9:11) those that have been imprisoned by caves of poverty, witchcraft, depression, disease etc. in the church congregation, in this village ,in every family,tribe,tongue and nation all around the world.


In the name of Jesus Christ I break every satanic cave around the world, this nation, family,church, town etc. that had caved (imprisoned) the hope, faith, wealth, ministry etc. of my people, I conquer all of them, every negative word and action that had caged and brought misery to my people I judge, I raise them forever in the name of Jesus Christ above every cave that has become a hindrance to our success as family, ministry, nation, business etc.

Lift us forever above any ungodly cave that stands in our way of ministry, finance, academics, health, and family in Jesus mighty name.

I bind forever every power from above and beneath that seeks to imprison us in caves of unemployment, unbelief, hopelessness, hatred, anger, blindness, darkness etc. in the name of Jesus Christ.

In Jesus name I send spiritually all Godly caves to wrestle against satanic caves in every tribe, tongue and nation (Ephesians 6:12-13.)

Let the peace, love, hope and faith of God forever be our cave.

In conclusion,

these visions and prayers highlight the spiritual significance of caves as places of divine protection and refuge.

They remind us that in times of distress, we can seek shelter in God’s presence, finding strength and renewal. May we always remember to plant spiritual caves in our lives, homes, and communities, creating sanctuaries of peace and protection in a turbulent world.

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