The star of Jacob/star of Jesus encounters

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The Star of Jacob or Star of Jesus: My Encounter

A Mysterious Revelation

On October 5th, 2024, I received mysterious encounters concerning the Star of Jacob. As I was heading back home in a taxi, I heard a voice saying, “Star of Jacob.” Intrigued, I took my time to cross-check on social media. To my surprise, #TheStar Of Jacob was trending on TikTok. I learned that a social media influencer had initiated the discussion, which sparked my curiosity to explore its deeper significance.

Star of Jacob Bible scriptures

I began by searching the Scriptures and found that the Star of Jacob is indeed mentioned in the Bible as mentioned in our blogs star of Jacob 2024 and significance of star of jacob:

  • Matthew 2:2
  • Numbers 24:17

Compelled to seek understanding, I prayed to God, who reveals secrets (Daniel 2:29), asking Him to unveil the meaning of this biblical celestial sign. Jesus chastised the Pharisees, saying, “You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times” (Matthew 16:1-3). Therefore, it’s crucial for believers to discern both the signs in the sky and the signs of the times.

After all, Jesus said it’s given to the children of God to know the mysteries of heaven (Matthew 13:10-17). God has hidden these things from the wise and learned (Matthew 11:25-26, Luke 10:21).

Visions of the Star of Jacob

Immediately after praying, I lay in my bed and began experiencing clear visions. The Holy Spirit’s voice explained everything distinctly. I kept softly praying:

“Oh Holy Spirit, who reveals the hidden things of God (1 Corinthians 2:9-10), may You reveal to me this mystery of the Star of Jacob. Teach me all about it (John 14:26, 1 Corinthians 2:13, 1 John 2:27) and show me how to pray.”

As I continued praying, the first vision appeared.

Vision 1: The Star of Jacob as a Sign of Political Change

In this vision, I saw people lining both sides of a main highway running through a bush. They appeared to be emerging from hiding, and all were black, including children, men, and women. The atmosphere was tense with anticipation, as if they were expecting news that would either deliver them or force them back into hiding.

A military truck passed by, filled with cheering young men, some armed. More military vehicles followed, including armored tanks. The crowd joined in the cheers, their hopes revived for a better country. It was clearly a coup d’état in a West African nation, with youth taking over from an old regime.

I heard a voice saying when you see the star of Jacob meaning things are shifting”Behold, the old is going, and the new cometh.”

This vision ended, and I was taken to another we named vision 2. The Star of Jacob/Star of Jesus appeared as a sign of the birth of new leadership and the end of old leadership.

Jesus Christ our star

As we reflect on these visions and the significance of the Star of Jacob, we’re reminded of God’s sovereignty over nations and His involvement in human affairs. Just as the Star of Bethlehem guided the wise men to the newborn King Jesus, the Star of Jacob may serve as a celestial sign of God’s unfolding plan in our times.

However, our ultimate focus should remain on Christ, the true Morning Star (Revelation 22:16). While earthly leadership may change, Jesus Christ remains the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). As believers, we’re called to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33), trusting that God is working all things together for good for those who love Him (Romans 8:28).

Let us remain vigilant, discerning the signs of the times, but always anchoring our hope in Christ, the author and perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). May we, like the wise men of old, be led by His star to worship and serve Him faithfully in these exciting and challenging times.

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